
Showing posts from June, 2004


Cheers! I've been blessed with a coveted Gmail account. Hopefully, I'll start getting invites to hand out. Please don't ask for em, I'll be handing out the first rounds to family and friends. I've only explored the Gmail web interface for a few minutes, but finding some of the features to be quite useful. It has fast reponse, keyboard-shortcuts (single key-press) to specific features, filters, spam, search capabilities. I'm sure it has more that I haven't even found yet.

Interface Hall of Shame

For all the budding programmers out there. Here is the [Interface Hall of Shame] . A site to help you see what NOT to do when designing your Graphical and User Interfaces (GUI). Gotta love it. URL removed due to site closing .

Isaac Asimov Home Page

Isaac Asimov Home Page is one of my favorite Authors of all time. I can't wait for the " I, Robot " movie to come out next month.


I've activated Comments (I think) so folks visiting can leave comments. Please be nice. I don't think it activated Comments on all of the past posts tho.


Here BRAGGFAMILY WEBSITE is another Braggfamily website I found searching for baggfamily again. It features Allen and Mandy Bragg and their 3 children from Katy, Texas. Go Bragg's! :: the dot org era :: the dot org era Check this out for a FREE open source 3D rendering tool. Similar but in my opinion, more powerful. Especially since it's free. Support Open Source.